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RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me (Part 7)

  Welcome Back, Everyone! weren't gone, I was.  I took a vacation with my husband to celebrate our birthdays.  The cruise we had originally planned was cancelled, due to COVID, but we took some time to go enjoy nature, hiking in the redwoods. But let's go ahead and jump back into learning about respect.  We'll be covering tips # 61 - 70 today. 61)  If you break something that belongs to the other person, fix it (or replace it). That just seems like common courtesy to me.  It reminds me of the Proverb, "Do unto others as you would like done to you."  Treat others the way that you'd like to be treated in a similar situation.  The other person shouldn't have to pay the cost of your mistake.  To fix or replace it, shows the other person that you care about them and their belonging to make things right.  Otherwise, all you're saying with your actions (or inactions), is that the other person doesn't mean much to you at all and their belongin

RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me (Part 6)

  Thank you for continuing to join me on this series about respect.  This week, I had a few moments with my husband when I realized that, in that moment, I was not following some of these tips about respect.  I found myself interrupting him and not always considering his opinion.  So, again, I'm glad that we can take this the journey together. Let's look at the next 10 tips: 51)  Make the other person's favorite meals regularly (This applies primarily to married couples or domestic partners) This is a way to show that you have listened.  You know what they like.  Also, they often say that food is the way to a person's heart.  If that's true ,then making the other person's favorite meals is a way show your respect. 52)  Ask the other person for advice on the things you're dealing with. This goes along with some of the other things we've discussion, but if you're having a hard time with something or tryin to make a difficult decision, ask the other per

RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me! (Part 5)

I hope that you all had a fantastic New Year!  Thanks for coming back for Part 5 of my series on RESPECT.   The cool thing about doing a blog is that, while I am writing information to share with all of you, I find myself learning things as well.  And I would consider myself a lifelong learner, so I love it!  I love learning with you all. So let's get started... 41)  Take care of yourself physically - get rest, exercise, and eat right. There is no better way to show that you respect yourself and other more than taking care of yourself.  It shows that you know you are worth yourself and others.  Not to mention, like I've said before, this is like putting your oxygen mask first, in a plane crash, before helping others put theirs on.  You are important. 42)  Find out what "support" looks like to others and do the stuff that matters to them. Think of the people in your family, your colleagues/co-workers, and other folks you spend time with.  Find out what they see

RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me! (Part 4)

  It's been great going through these tips with you, because it's also a reminder for myself.  It's easy to slide into old habits, which aren't always the most respectful.  And, with a new year coming, I'd like to make sure I focus on respecting others. So, let's dive in... 31)  Don't just launch into conversation, but say the other person's name and then ask if they have a few minutes to talk about something.   I am guilty of just launching into conversation ALL.THE. TIME.  And when I stop and think about it, it really is very disrespectful, to the other person, and even to myself.  We we just jump into talking, it assumes the other person is ready at attention, waiting for you to speak to them, hanging on your every word.  It doesn't take into the account whatever the other person may be doing or involved in, but instead seems to demand that you are the only thing worthy of their time in that moment.  It also shows a lack of respect for yourself, i

RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me! (Part 3)

RESPECT...Find Out What it Means to Me! (Part 3) Welcome Back!  I'm sorry for not having a blog post last week.  I was not feeling well, so was not up to creating the post.  But here we are with Part 3 of the Respect series.  This week, we're looking at tips #21-30 on how to give and receive respect. Let's get started... 21)  Compliment the other person on acts of generosity, "You are so generous!"  Thank you for doing that."  Who doesn't like to receive a compliment?  We all do, let's face it.  And who doesn't like to be acknowledged for their kindness or generosity.  Knowing that, it makes sense to provide that for others.  And we all know that what gets noticed, get repeated.  Respect comes from acknowledging other people's kindness and strengths. 22)  Don't correct the other person's effort in helping, unless there is a significant safety risk involved.  If they want help, they will ask. It's so easy to create a narrative for w

RESPECT...find out what it means to me! (Part 2)

Today is part 2 of a 10 part blog series about respect.  Each week we'll explore 10 ways to show respect.  This week, we are looking at #11 - 20.  If you'd like to find out more about the firsts 10 ways to show respect, please check out last week's blog post at: I hope this blog series helps you understand how to give and receive respect. How do you show respect, you ask?  Let's walk through it... 11)  Help the other person carve out time to spend with their friends The is particularly important in relationships/marriages, because, while each of you should be the other person's best friend, it is very important for an individual to have friends and interests outside of the relationship, so they can be well-rounded.  It also allows the other person time to decompress, particularly in regards to the stressors of life at home.  It's important for people to fellowship with other

RESPECT...find out what it means to me! (Part 1)

RESPECT...find out what it means to me! (Part 1) Today we're going to start a 10 part blog series about respect.  Each week we'll explore 10 ways to show respect. There is so much controversy and confusion about respect, so I'm going to break it down.  First, basic respect should be shown to everyone.  But beyond that, further respect is earned.  One must show respect in order to earn it.   How do you show respect, you ask?  Let's walk through it... 1)  Refrain from interrupting others in conversation, when they are speaking.   What if they say something wrong or something you disagree with?  The same principle holds true.  Interrupting others is like telling them that what they have to say is not important.  So instead, practice Reflective Listening.  Oftentimes we focus on getting our own point across rather than listening to the other person.  Before responding to the other person, truly listen to what they have to say (without simultaneously thinking about what you