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Showing posts with the label infidelity

Defining an Affair

  Redefining Infidelity When talking about relationships or marriages, few topcis ae as emotionally charged as infidelity.   Yet, it's a topic that can have such a wide range of definitions, depending on who's involved. As a Couples Counselor, I've seen too many times, the firsthand devastation caused by one or both partners having an affair.  It brings up tons of questions that the person who was cheated on, wants answers to, yet doesn't want to hear, at the same time.  And it brings up questions about the pereceived worth of the person who was cheated on.  And it shatters the trust within the relationship. But one of the biggest questions is related to the definition of an affair.  Is it solely physical intimacy, or can emotional connections be just as damaging?  Is it only an affair if it's in person, or can online interactions constitute an affair?  Are affairs only such if they include sex, sexual, innuendo, or suggestion, or can they include the sharing of per

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?

  Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? How many times have you heard this question asked?  And what are YOUR thoughts about it? Research indicates that people who have cheated are 3 times more likely to cheat again. So what does that mean for your relationship? In light of the recent Married & Confused Podcast episode, hosted by me and my colleague, Claudia Delgado, LCSW, I thought I would share some thoughts here in a blog post. Fidelity is a big question on almost everyone's mind when they enter a serious relationship.  We all go into relationships hoping they will be faithful.  Yet we also know that statistics show that approximately 25% of men admit to cheating on their spouse at some point, while about 15% of women admit to the same.   Another study showed that up to 4% of married people had cheated on their spouse in the past year. As a marriage therapist, I've encountered numerous couples who have experienced infidelity in their marriage.  Many couples want to work to r