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Decision Fatigue

  My Brain Hurts:  A Discussion Around Decision Fatigue Many of you have probably felt Decision Fatigue and didn't even know it.  Working parents especially experience this problem, because they have at least 2 full time jobs - their actual paying career AND their full time job as a spouse and parent, let alone all the other roles they fill, such as friend, daughter/son, brother/sister, church member...the list goes on. In this week's episode of the Married & Confused Podcast, that my colleague and I host, we define and discuss decision fatigue.  I wrote this blog post as a compansion to that episode.  If you'd like to listen, here's the link. . What Is Decision Fatigue? So, what, you might ask, is decision fatigue? According to the American Medical Association, Decision Fatigue is, simply put, is a " state of mental overload that can impede a per