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Showing posts with the label marriage roles

Modern Marital Roles: A Blueprint for Mantaining Tradition & Equality in Today's Relationships

  Modern Marital Roles:  A Blueprint for Mantaining Tradition & Equality in Today's Relationships We all have different ideas of what our roles and expectations should be in a relationship or marriage.  Sometimes we have the same ideas as our spouse and other times, we're on separate pages in separate books.  Either way, having designated roles is helpful for the smooth running of a household.  And these roles should be discussed and established early in the relationship, but can be adjusted over time, to fit the changing needs of the family.  These roles can include anything from Provider/Breadwinner to who does the laundry and will likely never be completely the same from couple to couple. I think it's important to develop marital roles based on each person's strength, but taking into account the couples' desire to lean toward more traditional roles or not. Below we will discuss some of the roles in a marriage: Provider Traditionally, this role invoves being t