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Showing posts from July, 2024

The Sandwich Generation: Caring for Children & Elderly Parents

  The Sandwich Generation:   Would You Like Cheese With That? In today's world, many adults find themselves as part of the "sandwich generation".  This defines those who are caring for their aging parents, while also rearing children of their own.  This dual responsibility can be both rewarding and incredibly challenging.  It often leads to feelings of stress and overwhelm. As a Marriage & Family Therapists, I work with many people who fall into this category and because I do a lot of work with couples, I see first hand, how it can impact a marriage.  And I see the emotional toll this role can take on individuals, couples, and families.  Below, I offer some insights and strategies to help you navigate this uinque, difficult, yet rewarding phas of life. Understanding the Sandwich Generation The ter "sandwich generation" typically refers to middle-aged adults, usually between their late 30's and early 50's, who are "sandwiched" between the de

Decision Fatigue

  My Brain Hurts:  A Discussion Around Decision Fatigue Many of you have probably felt Decision Fatigue and didn't even know it.  Working parents especially experience this problem, because they have at least 2 full time jobs - their actual paying career AND their full time job as a spouse and parent, let alone all the other roles they fill, such as friend, daughter/son, brother/sister, church member...the list goes on. In this week's episode of the Married & Confused Podcast, that my colleague and I host, we define and discuss decision fatigue.  I wrote this blog post as a compansion to that episode.  If you'd like to listen, here's the link. . What Is Decision Fatigue? So, what, you might ask, is decision fatigue? According to the American Medical Association, Decision Fatigue is, simply put, is a " state of mental overload that can impede a per

Modern Marital Roles: A Blueprint for Mantaining Tradition & Equality in Today's Relationships

  Modern Marital Roles:  A Blueprint for Mantaining Tradition & Equality in Today's Relationships We all have different ideas of what our roles and expectations should be in a relationship or marriage.  Sometimes we have the same ideas as our spouse and other times, we're on separate pages in separate books.  Either way, having designated roles is helpful for the smooth running of a household.  And these roles should be discussed and established early in the relationship, but can be adjusted over time, to fit the changing needs of the family.  These roles can include anything from Provider/Breadwinner to who does the laundry and will likely never be completely the same from couple to couple. I think it's important to develop marital roles based on each person's strength, but taking into account the couples' desire to lean toward more traditional roles or not. Below we will discuss some of the roles in a marriage: Provider Traditionally, this role invoves being t

Welcome Back!

  I've Been Absent For a While. So, you may have noticed that there haven't been any new blog posts in quite a while, like months.   I apologize for that.  Every now and then, life gets in the way.  But, I wanted to give everyone an update on what's been going on and what to expect going forward. Retirement For the past 25 years, I have worked in the field of public Child Welfare.  Or more commonly known as Child Protective Services.  This was a very rewarding job in many ways and something I hope to maintain a connection to in a different capacity over time. However, since 2018, I have maintained and grown my side hustle of a small, part time private therapy practice, working several evenings a week and sometimes on Saturdays.  Private practice therapy has been my dream and calling since the 8th grade.  It energizes me and gives me fulfillment like nothing else. So, after a lot of thought and prayer, discussions with my husband, and some number crunching and decided to mak