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Welcome Back!


Decorative Script that says "Welcome Back"; online therapy in TN; online therapy in CA

I've Been Absent For a While.

So, you may have noticed that there haven't been any new blog posts in quite a while, like months.   I apologize for that.  Every now and then, life gets in the way.  But, I wanted to give everyone an update on what's been going on and what to expect going forward.


For the past 25 years, I have worked in the field of public Child Welfare.  Or more commonly known as Child Protective Services.  This was a very rewarding job in many ways and something I hope to maintain a connection to in a different capacity over time.

However, since 2018, I have maintained and grown my side hustle of a small, part time private therapy practice, working several evenings a week and sometimes on Saturdays.  Private practice therapy has been my dream and calling since the 8th grade.  It energizes me and gives me fulfillment like nothing else.

So, after a lot of thought and prayer, discussions with my husband, and some number crunching and decided to make the leap into full time private practice.  Effective June 15, 2024, I retired from my career in Child Welfare and embarked on making my passion a full time thing.


At the same time as I was retiring from 25 years at the same stable job, my husband & I also decided to move across the country, from California to Tennessee, to live a lifestyle that feels more congruent with who we are and where we are able to enjoy a slower pace of life and nature.  We bought a large log cabin in a rural, wooded mountain area and settling into our new home and life.

With all that said, I haven't had much free time or mental space to dedicate to blogging or building my practice since February 2024.  But all that was with the hope and plan to be able to more fully engage with my pratice and my readers.


So, now I am begining fresh on restablishing a new routine that focuses on mental health, professional development, and therapy.  I am in the process of figuring out my new "work" schedule, that allows for a slower pace, yet full dedication to the work I love.  I want to make sure I have time to provide quality blog posts and podcast episodes (Married & Confused Podcast), as well as some other undertakings I have put off because I just didn't have the time or energy.  I am planning to publish a new blog post every week, on all sorts of mental health and life topics, some of which come to my mind and many of which you all have suggested.  I am always open for topics of interest to you or things you'd like to read more about or share with others.  I haven't decided yet what day I will be regularly publishing the blog, but I'm thinking Sunday or Monday.

Twice a month, it's my plan to tie my blog post into the topic my colleague and I discuss on our podcast episode.  The podcast is published every other Saturday morning, so the corresponding blog post will be published on the Sunday or Monday.  And then I will maintain that day of the week throughout.  


I feel excited and energized to be able to interact with you all more frequently through the blog.  As the title of the blog suggests, creating blog content is a sort of therapy for me - This Therapist's Therapy.  Since our next next Married & Confused Podcast episode comes out this Saturday, July 6th, I will plan for the next blog post to be published on Sunday or Monday.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions, suggestions, emojis.  I do this for YOU!
And, as always, I'd love to have you go back and check out previous blog posts.  You never know what might be helpful for you or someone you know.

If you're considering therapy for yourself or for your marriage, please visit my website and schedule a free 15 minute consultation -

I provide online couples and individual counseling throughout Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, & California.

If you'd like to see any of my previous blog posts, please click here.

Website -

Email -

Phone - (925) 335-6122

Facebook -

Instagram - @brittanedmillslmft

Podcast -


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