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Showing posts with the label family

8 Tips for Getting Back Into the School Year Routine

  8 Tips to Get Your Family  Back Into a Weekly Routine By now, most of you with children have or are getting back into the weekly routine.  You know, the one that seems to go completely to the wayside during Summer Vacation? Many families struggle to get back into a reasonable routine for the School Year.  And by the time they do, it's time for the holidays and Winter Break, and everything is thrown off again. So in this week's blog post, I provide 8 tips to help you get back on track with a weekly family routine that's sure to help everyone. Tip #1 - Morning Routine - Start the Day Right: Mornings set the tone of the entire day.  Organized and productive families typically have a consistent morning routine that gets everyone up and moving with minimal stress.  Everyone knows what to expect and does what they need to do.  This might include a scheduled wake-up time, breakfast together, and a checklist for everyone's responsibilities, like making beds, packing backpacks