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Showing posts with the label secrets

Dirty Little Secrets

  Dirty Little Secrets:   When Is It Okay to Keep a Secret in Marriage Marriage is a delicate dance where two people intertwine every aspect of their lives.  But sometimes there are things that we want to keep to ourselves or share only with close friends, separate from our spouse.  Or maybe there are times we need to bounce things off someone other than our spouse, to get a different perspective.  Or we just want to maintain a part of ourselves that feels like we can keep our own individual identity.  Often, this can be challenging to juggle. As a therapist, I've seen and heard firsthand, the impact that keeping secrets can have on the marital bond.  While some secrets are benign and incosequential, others can create holes that never heal.  In this post, we'll dive into the complexities of secrets in the marriage and discuss how couples can navigate these murky waters. The Nature of Secrets Not all secrets are created qual.  Some secrets are kept with the intention of protecti