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Why Go to Couples Counseling - Part 5

  Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 5 While mental health awareness has improved, especially over the last few years through the pandemic.  And some of the sitgma around therapy has decreased.  But so many people still wonder why they should participate in couples counseling. In my mind, there are several "levels" of couples' counseling. 1)  Dating Relationships 2)  Pre-Marital Counseling 3)  Marriage/Couples Counseling 4)  Stage of Life Couples Counseling 5)  When Things Aren't Working Today, I'll talk about going to Couples Counseling When Things Aren't Working This is the most common reason why most couples go to therapy.  They seek help when things have gotten so bad, they aren't sure there's a way out.  Couples Counseling at this point is often a last ditch effort.  And it's also this level that causes people NOT to want to go to Couples Counseling...they hear all the horror stories. Let me preface this by saying that this level of counseli

Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 4

  Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 4 While mental health awareness has improved, especially over the last few years through the pandemic.  And some of the sitgma around therapy has decreased.  But so many people still wonder why they should participate in couples counseling. In my mind, there are several "levels" of couples' counseling. 1)  Dating Relationships 2)  Pre-Marital Counseling 3)  Marriage/Couples Counseling 4)  Stage of Life Couples Counseling 5)  When Things Aren't Working Today, I'll talk about Stage of Life Couples Counseling. As I was thinking about this blog post, my first thought was about the transition to Empty Nest.  But the more I thought about it, I realized there are several possible transition points in a marriage or long term relationship. So, I'll break it down into sub-stages.   Casual Dating to Living Together The first stage is the transition from casual dating to living together.  This stage may happen at different times for

Why Go to Couples Counseling - Part 3

  Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 3 While mental health awareness has improved, especially over the last few years through the pandemic.  And some of the sitgma around therapy has decreased.  But so many people still wonder why they should participate in couples counseling. In my mind, there are several "levels" of couples' counseling. 1)  Dating Relationships 2)  Pre-Marital Counseling 3)  Marriage/Couples Counseling 4)  Stage of Life Couples Counseling 5)  When Things Aren't Working Today, I'll talk about Marriage/Couples Counseling. For many people, after being together or married for some time, things start to fall into habits and patterns.  And we don't always notice right away because, let's face it, life gets busy.  There's work, kids, activities and everything in between, and then suddenly you realize that you and your spouse/partner aren't really spending time together or aren't really talking.  Maybe your intimacy has decreased. 

Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 2

  Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 2 While mental health awareness has improved, especially over the last few years through the pandemic.  And some of the sitgma around therapy has decreased.  But so many people still wonder why they should participate in couples counseling. In my mind, there are several "levels" of couples' counseling. 1)  Dating Relationships 2)  Pre-Marital Counseling 3)  Marriage/Couples Counseling 4)  Stage of Life Couples Counseling (Empty Nest) 5)  When Things Aren't Working Over the next few weeks, I'll discuss each of these levels in detail.  You may find that this leads to more questions.   If that happens for you, please leave a comment, visit my website, or send me an email. So, let's move on to the second level of couples' counseling... Pre-Marital Counseling There are several reasons why couples opt to participate in pre-marital counseling. 1)  It's required by their church/religion 2)  They want to make sure they'

Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 1

  Why Go to Couples Counseling? - Part 1 While mental health awareness has improved, especially over the last few years through the pandemic.  And some of the sitgma around therapy has decreased.  But so many people still wonder why they should participate in couples counseling. In my mind, there are several "levels" of couples' counseling. 1)  Dating Relationships 2)  Pre-Marital Counseling 3)  Marriage/Couples Counseling 4)  Stage of Life Couples Counseling (Empty Nest) 5)  When Things Aren't Working Over the next few weeks, I'll discuss each of these levels in detail.  You may find that this leads to more questions.   If that happens for you, please leave a comment, visit my website, or send me an email. So, let's get started... Dating Relationships Some of you may not be ready for marriage just yet, but you're on dating sites, you're checking out the options, and having fun.  That doesn't mean that you shouldn't invest in efforts to improve

Tips for Mantaining Healthy Boundaries

  Tips for Maintaining Healthy Boundaries I usually add a new blog post on Wednesdays, but this past week, I was under the weather, so I wasn't able to do so.  At first, I felt a little badly that I had missed posting a blog, but then I realized or remembered that I had to draw a boundary for myself.  We can't burn the candle at both ends and expect for that to be sustainable.  And we can't help others, if we aren't first taking care of ourselves...kind of like the oxygen masks on an airplane.  The flight attendants always tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, and then attend to others.  We are of no help to others if we aren't breathing.  So, because I wasn't feeling well, I drew my own boundary and realized I had to prioritize my own health, ahead of posting a blog.  After all, the blog ain't going anywhere! But that got me thinkin about healthy boundaries, so I decided to provide some tips for (establishing) and maintaining healthy boundaries. Person

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety Do you get nervous when it's getting close to your next dental appointment?  Or even worse, do you not even schedule appointments because you're too scared? But at the same time, you know you need to have a check up and cleaning, or you might even have some teeth that are hurting. Below is a video of a few tips you can use to overcome dental anxiety. If you'd like more direct and personal help with anxiety, please visit my website and schedule a free 15 minute consultation - . I provide online counseling throughout California and Florida. Website - Email - Phone - (925) 335-6122