How to Manage Anxiety - Part 1


picture of woman with her hands covering her face while sitting in front of her computer; online counseling in Knoxville, TN; online counseling in Benicia, CA

How to Manage Anxiety - Part 1

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to share some tips on how to manage anxiety, especially for those who are considered High Performers.  Maybe you're in a Leadership or Executive Level and you're excelling at your job, but deep inside, every day is a battle within yourself.

Together, we'll look at some strategies you can use in the moment of anxiety, that no one else even has to be aware of.  Because, let's face it, you don't want everyone else to know just how anxious and uncertain you're feeling.

So, we'll start simple.  Breathing exercises.

First, you'll inhale for 5 seconds, taking a nice big, deep breath.  Then you'll exhale for 5 seconds, preferably through your mouth, letting out as much air as possible.  And then you'll repeat this for about 1 minute.  If you're able to or comfortable with it, you can even close your eyes while you do this, to help minimize distractions.

What you'll begin to noticc is that your heart rate will begin to slow down and become more even.  You may even notice some of your muscles relaxing.  And if so, don't worry...that's great!

Now, as you're breathing in, think pleasant, positive thoughts.  Breathe in the good.
So, for example, you're about to give a big presentation or pitch a new innovative idea to your team, when you inhale, think positive thoughts about your presentation or pitch, how it will be received, what the outcomes will be.  Visualize everything going smoothly and your presentation being very well received.  And, as you exhale, breath out all the negative thoughts, fears or worries.

As you're doing this breathing exercise, be aware of your body, as well.  Allow your neck, shoulders, and arms to relax.  Notice all the tension begin to ease.

When you reach the 1 minute mark, take a mental inventory of how you're feeling, and if necessary repeat the exercise again.

Now, I know you're thinking, "Brittanie, I'm not into this touchy feely, woo woo stuff."  
I hear you and I get it.  I'm not either, BUT these are some tricks that I've found helpful, not only for my clients, but for myself too.  What is does is, in the moment, redirect or refocus your brain, away from the worries and anxieties, and towards confidence and comfort.  It puts you in control of how you're feeling, because you get to control your thoughts and your physical responses.  

And, like I said, you can do this in a room full of people and no one will know.

This is just one of several strategies you can use to derease anxiety in the moment.  

If you'd like more tips, or more individualized help on dealing with anxiety, please check out my website and schedule a free 15 minute consultation.  

Feel free to ask questions or drop comments below.

And come back next week to learn another strategy for dealing with anxiety.

I provide online counseling throughout Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, & California.

Instagram - @brittaniedmillslmft
Phone - (925) 335-6122


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