New Year, New You: 5 Steps to Setting Meaningful Goals for a Fresh Start


New Year, New You: 

5 Steps to Setting Meaningful Goals for a Fresh Start

The new year is always a season overflowing with hope and possibility - a blank slate inviting us to reflect, renew, and realign our lives.  Whether you're looking for personal growth, to build and strengthen relationships, or develop new habits, the new year offers the perfect opportunity to dream big and start fresh.

But before you going diving headfirst into massive life changes and perfunctory New Years Resolutions, let's review and reframe the concept of "New Year, New You.  Instead of setting unrealistic goals, like usual, or chasing  unattainable perfection, or even a whole new verson of yourself, how about focusing on becoming a more intentional, fulfilled, and authentic version of who you already are.  Build on what's already there, instead of recreating something new.

Here's 5 Steps to Setting Meaningful Goals:.

Step 1: Reflect on the Past Year

Start by celebrating your own wins from the past year, whether big or small.  Consider what worked well for you over the past year?  What brought you joy and happiness?  What did you do to make good memories?  When you reflect on the positive moments, you can bring those thoughts into the forefront of your mind.  By doing that, you are reminded of your own strengths and can start building confidence from the things that are already working well.  I suggest writing these things down, so you have them handy so you don't forget them AND so you can build upon them.

Then, gently explore the areas that didn't work as well for you over the past year.  What felt challenging?  What seemed really difficult?  Avoid harsh self-criticism, because my guess is that you already punished yourself enough the first time.  Instead, ask yourself  "What lessons did I learn?" or "What could I do differently next time?"  Reflections are some of the best opportunities for learning and growth.

Step 2: Choose Goals That Align With Your Values

A meaningful goal is one that resonates with your own personal core values, so ask yourself:  
  • What truly matters to me?
  • What characteristics describe the person you want to be?
  • What areas of my life feel most in need of attention or care?
For example, if family connection is important, you might consider setting a goal to spend more quality time with loved ones.  If self care feels like it's taken a back seat for you, then plan to focus on prioritizing rest or physical or mental health.  Align your goals with what feel most important to you.  Only you will know what resonates for you.

This is your opportunity to be intentional.  Choose goals that have meaning and value.  Choose goals that seem achieveable.  Have a plan on how to reach those goals.

Step 3: Break It Down

So often we create big New Years Resolutions, hoping that somehow this will be the year we change.  But big resolutions often fail because they are TOO big and they quickly become overwhelming.  We make big goals, but forget to break them down into bite size pieces that are managable.  Instead of saying, "I want to get healthy." break it down into specific, actionable steps:
  • Walk for 20 minutes three times a week
  • Replace one sugary drink with water daily
  • Schedule one doctor's appointment you've been putting off
When we break things into smaller tasks, they don't tend to feel as overwhelming and we can do one thing at a time, instead of feeling like we have to accomplish the whole thing all at once.  I often tell my clients that, in fact, it's really just a game we play with our mind to "trick" it into thinking it just has to do this one small thing.  And that is true, but once we accomplish that one thing, we add another small thing until voila! we've completed the goal we set for ourselves!  You might even surprise yourself and go above and beyond your original goal once you see how easy it is by breaking them into bite size pieces.  Research also shows that small, consistent changes are more likely to lead to lasting results.

Step 4: Embrace Grace Over Perfection

Let me start by saying that none of us is perfect.  And we can't expect ourselves to be.  No journey is without some setbacks.  It's how you handle the setbacks that makes all the difference.  If you miss a day, a week, or even a month of working toward your goals, don't give up.  Start afresh!  Give yourself grace.  Grace allows you to start again, wherever you are, reminding you that progress is more important that perfection.

If you were talking with a friend who was feeling guilty for having a setback, most likely you'd give them the same advice, "Give yourself some grace.  Start fresh where you are."  So, what stops you from listening to your own advice?

Step 5: Celebrate the Journey

I wouldn't be me if I didn't remind you to celebrate your victories along the way.  Track your progress and celebrate when you hit certain milestones.  Allowing yourself to celebrate gives you motivation to keep up the good work.  Did you hit your exercise goal for the week?  Did you reach out to friends or loved ones to set up some time together?  Every victory, even ones that seem small, deserve recognition and will motivate you to keep moving forward.  If you don't give yourself kudos for a job well done, what will keep you going?  We all need positive reinforcement, even if we are giving it to ourselves.

A Final Thought: You Are Enough

Just because you're thinking about "New Year, New You" doesn't mean you're turining your back on the person you are today.  I think we can ALL stand to learn, grow, and improve over time.  "New Year, New You" is about honoring AND building upon your current strengths, nurturing your own growth and continuing to water it, and about embracing the journey with kindness.  Acknowledging the beauty of who you are now is important.  Never ignore who you are or how far you've come. 

As you prepare to step into the new year, remember - the best version of yourself is the one that is aligned with your values, supported by your community, and guided by your own inner compass.  
I have faith that YOU CAN DO IT!!

What's one small change you can commit to make this coming year, to move toward your goals?
Share in the comments - I'd love to hear from you.  And I'd be happy to be your cheerleader.

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