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Showing posts from September, 2024

A Therapist's Look at 8 Domains of Self-Care

  A Therapist's Look at 8 Domains of Self Care In a recent episode of the Married & Confused Podcast, my colleague and I delved into the often-misunderstood concept of self-care. Many people think of self-care as indulgent activities like massages or sipping mimosas by the pool. While these can be enjoyable, they only scratch the surface. True self-care encompasses a holistic approach, addressing various aspects of our lives to enhance our overall well-being. Let’s take a deeper dive into the 8 domains of self-care that can help you nurture your mind, body, and soul. 1. Physical Well-Being The Physical Domain of self-care is foundational to our overall health. It includes activities that promote bodily health, such as maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and ensuring you get adequate sleep. These elements are critical because they affect our energy levels, mood, and ability to cope with stress. Simple changes, like incorporating more fruits and vegetables

The Importance of Disclosing Personal History to Your Spouse

  The Importance of Disclosing Personal History to Your Spouse As I have asked around for blog post topics, this topic emerged several times. So, I thought we would go ahead and tackle this important subject. In every relationship, especially in marriages, open communication is key to building trust and deepening intimacy. Disclosing personal history to your spouse can be a daunting task, but it is a crucial aspect of fostering a strong and resilient partnership. This can include information anywhere from body count to childhood trauma and anything in between. This blog post explores the significance of sharing your past experiences, how it can enhance your relationship, and practical tips for making this disclosure a positive experience. Why Disclosing Personal History Matters Building Trust: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When you choose to disclose personal history, you demonstrate vulnerability. This openness invites your spouse to reciprocate, leading to a

Mental Illness in Marriage: Understanding & Managing One Partner's Diagnosis

                           Mental Illness in Marriage:                                Understanding & Managing One Partner's Diagnosis Marriage is often seen as a partnership built on love, trust, and companionship, but what happens when one partner is diagnosed with a mental health condition? The impact can be significant, affecting not just the individual but also the dynamic of the relationship. Understanding this influence and finding ways to manage it together is essential for maintaining a healthy marriage. The Ripple Effect of a Mental Health Diagnosis Receiving a mental health diagnosis can be scary, nor just for the person receiving the diagnosis, but for the entire family. When one partner receives a mental health diagnosis—whether it’s depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or another condition—it can reshape the foundation of the relationship. It's important for everyone to try to understand the diagnosis and how it may show up in the relationship and family. H