New Year, New You - Part 2: Finding Yourself & Your Purpose


New Year, New You - Part 2:  

Finding Yourself, Your Confidence, 

& Your Purpose

Last week's blog post was about how to set goals for yourself for the New Year.  This week, in building upon that post, I am re-sharing my blog posts about Finding Yourself, Your Confidence, and Your Purpose.

Each new year is an opportunity to reflect and renew.  It's about reviewing the past and planning for the future.  I think of the new year as a time to take inventory of who I am and what's important to me, and then finding ways to do and be even better.  Each year I seem to discover a new part of myself that I didn't know about before.  I find or build confidence in things I didn't know I could do.  And I learn my specific purpose for that upcoming year.

Yes, I know the new year has already started, but as mentioned before, we are going to give ourselves some grace and start now.  I am excited to help you grown and become the 2024 version of who you are meant to be.  I believe that each year, just like with new car models, we have new features and improvements, always making ourselves better than before.  I'm here for it!  Are you?

That's why I'd like to share my past blog post series about Finding Yourself, Your Confidence, and Your Purpose.  Here's the links to those blogs:

If you're looking for some help with your self-confidence, self-esteem, or just "finding yourself", please visit my website and schedule a free 15 minute consultation -

If you'd like to see any of my previous blog posts, please click here.

I provide online counseling throughout Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, & Callifornia

Instagram - @brittaniedmillslmft
Phone - (925) 335-6122


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